Wednesday 28 March 2007

Summary of First Design Features


The 3 Buttons: The idea behind these was for simplicity. Each button is big and easy to press. The big circular middle one has a phone symbol on it; the main use of this button is to begin a phone call, when a number is selected on the screen using the other two buttons. It is also used to turn the phone on when it has been switched off due to loss of battery. The other two buttons are either side the middle one and are labeled with <> arrows, their main functionality is to browse the phone book on the phone. Occasionally the screen will ask the user questions and the buttons dictate the answers to these questions, with the '>' arrowed button meaning no and the '<' arrowed button meaning yes.

Under the main button there is the following text: On. [new line] Press and hold to turn on

Under the '<' button there is the following text: No

Under the > button there is the following text: No

The Inside Screen:

The screen is located on the top part of the phone it is slight inward of the phones sides so that the buttons can stick up more and so that the screen is more protected.

When the user presses one of the arrow buttons it displays the a contact name in alphabetical order, if the user presses the left had arrow button it will show the last alphabetical name in the list (e.g. Zara) however if the user presses the right arrowed button it will show the first alphabetical name in the contacts list (eg Adam). When in the contact name view, at the bottom of the screen in the corners are the words next (on the bottom right) and previous on the bottom left. If the user goes past the last contact in the list (right or left) then the normal screen is presented.

In the normal screen there is a battery bar which goes up the side of the screen. At the top of the screen there is a description of the current signal strength. So in a Strong signal area the phone displays the words Excellent Signal. However when in a low signal area it will display the words; Low signal. In the top right hand corner of the screen the current time is displayed and in the bottom middle the date is shown.

When the phone is open and the user scrolls on the volume control, a volume chart is displayed showing the current volume level. Scrolling up will add more bars to the chart (until the maximum is reached) and down will take them away.

When the user has missed a call the phone will display a message saying:

n Missed Call(s) (the s is added if n>1)

Name of contact on phone

Time of call

Call Don’t Call

n represents the number of missed calls, the missed calls are added on top of the previous so the last missed call is the one represented first. If the user selects don’t call then that missed call is deleted from the list and all the other missed calls from that contact are also deleted, the next missed call is then displayed. If the user selects Call, all of the missed calls in the list from that contact are removed from the list and when the call has finished the next missed call is displayed on the screen.

The Outside Screen:

When the user has missed a call, the words: Missed Call is displayed.

When the use has an incoming call the name of the contact is displayed on the screen.

When phone has none of the other information then a clock is displayed.

Volume Scroll

When the volume scroll is used with the phone shut, it does nothing. However when it is open the volume is increased when the scroll is moved upwards and it is decreased when it is moved downwards.

The Main Unit

The key unit has the following buttons: a standard 12 button phone keypad with slight larger than normal buttons, so 0-9 + # and *. On the bottom left of the keypad is a button for clearing the last entered number, is red with a c in the middle of it, it has the words cancel/clear underneath it. At the top of the buttons there are 4 quick call buttons each can be edited using the assign quick call button on the left of the main keypad. In this section there are 4 buttons in total and they read: Assign quick call button, add new number, delete number, and phone book. The buttons * and # are also labelled with the arrows <, > respectively. These are used to scroll though the contacts in the phone book, after this button has been selected.

When the phone book button is selected, the main screen for the unit displays the first name of the contact list in bold at the top of the screen with the number of the contact underneath it. If at this point the delete button is pressed the screen will show the following message: do you wish to delete this contact? If so press the * key if not press the # key. This prevents the user from accidentally deleting a contact from their phone. If the assign quick call button is used when a contact is on screen the software will display the following message on the screen: “Do you wish to add this as a quick call? Press the * for yes, # for no” followed by the next message if yes is selected: “Please select a quick call button to assign this number to”.

If the Add new number button is selected then the screen will first ask the user to put in the name of the new contact, this is done by entering each letter using the keypad, where 2 has the letters abc associated to it, so entering Adam would require one press of 2 then 3, 2, 6.

When a call is made the screen shows the current call in progress with a phone symbol and the name of the person being called.

The phone sits in a grove to the left of the keypad.

Technical Hardware

If the phone is to be successful then it will need to be part of the BT home fusion service so that it can reach the masses, for this to be successful the phone must use the same technologies currently offered by phones on the BT fusion service. These hardware abilities include: Wifi and Bluetooth. By using these technologies the phone can offer cheaper rates when in BT Wifi zones, in their house or when the user is around a friend’s house that also uses the same service. However this does mean that the rate for mobile calls not in these areas will be larger.

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