Wednesday 28 February 2007

Some Ideas for Specification on the Prototype

Ideas for Phone

Guys, just thought I would list down some ideas for our phone project and things that we will have to consider on the specification side of things. I think that is important to consider these as we will need to come up with a model that is as realistic as possible. These are only scratching the surface and ideas, so its something to talk about when we next meet.


• If we are going to look at something for current generation of old people and perhaps not straight away the next generation of old people, need to look at a time scale of a product being able to last in the region of above ten years.
• Old people will not replace phones as rapidly as a younger generation.
• Make new technology “invisible” to old people, but useful to others.
• Expansion in market is rapid so need to have a good footing within market to begin with.

Typical things to look at:
• Network access:
o Current standard of GSM acceptable currently for just calls, but for OTT (over the air transmission) upgrades not an option as data transmission is too slow.
o 3G/HSDPA/EDGE all technologies that provide a much faster data transmission rate that is ideal of OTT, but in early stages of roll out for expansive coverage within the UK. But need to look at alternatives to GSM because of the possibility of the network being phased out.
o WiFi/WiMax not to be ruled out in case networks switch to using IP structure instead of a cell structure. Also useful for OTT.
o Making it QUAD Band to run on all GSM network frequencies would be easier for a mass roll out to all countries.
• Connectivity
o Don’t know if we will require anything like Bluetooth in there, but might be an option to but in due to the new law coming in about 3 points on driving licences if caught using a phone. Some old people will drive new cars, for example having access to mobility allowance, and newer cars are now coming with integrated handsfree sets that connect via this option. Just a thought about this.
o Backup to wireless connectivity to upgrade the phone? Such as mini-USB, pop port is another example although we couldn’t use it in this case because registered to Nokia.
• Optimisation of battery life
o If we are not having a screen, then battery life will go through the roof! Need to look at ways to extend this to a maximal level, i.e. turning off transmission modes when not in suitable areas, wireless will take a lot of power.

Also, we have mentioned tracking in the last meeting and the idea came to me a few days that this will be quite simple. This year you will find that the latest thing to have in a mobile telephone will be GPS equipped phones, with Nokia launching there N95 in April to kick things off. If we can incorporate GPS in the phone, then we can always find that persons phone from anywhere.

Few things to be thinking about guys.


1 comment:

Matt B said...

Specification: Phone Functionality

- When opening the phone the address book is displayed on the internal screen. By scrolling the '<' & '>' buttons on the phone key pad the number to be dialed can be located. Then by pressing the center button the phone call is started. The phone call is ended by closing the phone.

- In the event of a miss call, when the phone is closed the front screen displays "MISS CALL". Then when opening the phone the callers name and number is displayed and the phone asks if you wish to make the call back or not by using '<' = YES & '>' = NO.

- If a known contact sends a contact card to the phone the screen show "NEW CONTACT". When opening the phone the display shows the callers name and number and asks if the number should be added by pressing '<' = YES & '>' = NO.

- When closing the phone mechanism this should end all processes and place the phone in its idol status ready to recieve a next operation.

- The wheel for the volume control for ring volume and voice volume in call is operated like a radio. By clicking the volume button up the volume is engaged (where when the wheel is clicked down vibrate function is enabled. During a voice call if the button is switched off the default volume is selected and moving the wheel up increases its loudness.

Phone HW

- The phone is shaped and operates like a clam shell protecting the internal display and removing the need for a locking mechanisms for the buttons.

- Rubber strips are fitted to the side of the phones clam shell to enable the user to open easily.

- The volume wheel on the side is rubber to allow ease of grip.

Phone Base

- Has a display mounted at the top that allows the user to see the name and number oif the contact being added to the phone.

- The phone will have a key pad with + and - buttons to add numbers to the phones contact when it is placed on the phone holder attached to the base.

- The cradle for the phone acts as a contact for recharging and an interface to the input method (key pad) which is used to update the phones contacts. The cradle is angled slightly to allow the easy of picking up the phone from the base.

- The phone takes a standard shaving AC adapter 240 volts and the additional cradel and phone can be used abroad with a european adapter.

Base Funtionality

- The Base acts as a home phone so typing in a number and picking up the hand set will start a call.

- The phone beeps when is it placed on the cradel and the external screen is lit up to show that a connection to the base has been successfully made.

- When the + or - buttons are pressed after the entering of a correct contact number a voice reply is made by the mase to the user telling the user that the contact was added successfully of unsuccessfully.

- When entering a new number firstly the name is entered then the + key then the number is entered then the plus key then the phone base will give the responce to its success of operation. (this will be done by the installer for the user when the system is placed withing the house and also other users can help the old users to enter the new numbers)