Wednesday 28 February 2007

Summary of Results for Questionnaire on Phone Usage

Here is the summary of the results obtained from the questionnaire we gave out to elderly people on their mobile phone usage (including on our persona's).

  • They use their mobile phones infrequently:
    • Ranging from once a every couple of days to never.
  • 75% generally don't take the mobile phone out with them
  • 100% tried to use it and the battery was flat
  • 100% have difficulties using their mobile phone.
  • 100% have difficulty remembering how to do things on the phone
  • 100% have difficulty remembering what button does what
  • 75% have difficulty seeing writing on the screen or buttons
  • 100% had the phone bought for them
  • 100% consider a mobile phone useful to them in different situations, including an emergency
  • When struggling with new technology:
    • 50% ask a friend/relative for help
    • 25% give up
    • 25% consult the manual

These results will be useful in designing our phone to try and tackle the areas where elderly people have problems using mobile phones currently.

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